The fisherman fishing planet kp dhamino
The fisherman fishing planet kp dhamino

Plus, this game from the F2P standpoint is long in the tooth, so the P2P version breathes a new bit of life into the title and will extend its life a bit longer than had it simply remained F2P. It makes no logical sense (financially, and from a marketing and development standpoint, etc.) to maintain both versions. I predict there will be an announcement within the next 9-12 months that the F2P version’s servers will be shutting down. Bet those same bugs will still be present, because it'll just be a basic port, not a re-work. The publisher is to blame, not the FP team. "Thanks guys, now you can do it all over again" Why give a game away when you can sell it?īasically a big smack in the mouth with a stick to all of us who've been there from the start and bought baitcoins or DLC.

the fisherman fishing planet kp dhamino

I still put my money on the F2P version dying sooner rather than later. If I'm confused after 2 years of playing from launch, I'd imagine one hell of a lot of other people are too. Now, not even one sticky from the devs about the upcoming change? We were once at a point a few weeks ago where the entire first page of this PS4 forum was stickies about comps, tournies, updates, changes etc. I don't read the general discussion/PC boards etc - I play on PS4 so why would I? - and it's alarming how little info us PS4 users have available here.

the fisherman fishing planet kp dhamino

Very disappointed on the lack of info about this major step tbh. I've paid good, hard earned money, I expect a game that works. On the P2P format, I want everything to be peachy and smoother than a mink in a marshmallow factory. On the F2P format I can understand and accept - I've only paid what I wanted to, if anything. The bugs are a major factor for me too Chris.

The fisherman fishing planet kp dhamino